University of Wollonggon,Australia
List of blue economy programs/diploma/training/workshops: 1. Global Challenges Program : UOW's Global Challenges Program is a strategic research initiative designed to harness the diverse expertise of researchers to address real-world problems. We are driven by our values of adventure, collegiality, inclusivity and support. As a program, we aim to cultivate research excellence while improving equality & diversity to support the next generation of research leaders. 2. Blue Futures : Blue Futures positions the NSW South Coast as a national leader in the development of blue economies, drawing on ocean and coastal resources for economic development, in an ecologically and economically sustainable way. 3. Sun, sand, sea and sustainability (S4): developing a sustainable tourist community classification methodology In partnership with Shoalhaven City Council, this project is specifically focused on addressing the challenges of strategic planning in relation to sustainable marine tourism. The aim of this research project is: To develop a methodology which classifies communities according to a range of characteristics which will constrain or enhance sustainability objectives, such as population size, visitation levels and infrastructure availability. To assess the vulnerability of destinations to pressures which will impact the sustainability of these communities, and their associated tourism growth. This system of classification will be trialled in the Shoalhaven City Council (SCC) area, and will ultimately assist SCC to tailor tourism planning, marketing and service provision to meet the needs of different ‘types’ of coastal communities.
List of blue economy programs/diploma/training/workshops:
Global Challenges Program : UOW's Global Challenges Program is a strategic research initiative designed to harness the diverse expertise of researchers to address real-world problems. We are driven by our values of adventure, collegiality, inclusivity and support. As a program, we aim to cultivate research excellence while improving equality & diversity to support the next generation of research leaders.
Blue Futures : Blue Futures positions the NSW South Coast as a national leader in the development of blue economies, drawing on ocean and coastal resources for economic development, in an ecologically and economically sustainable way.
Sun, sand, sea and sustainability (S4): developing a sustainable tourist community classification methodology In partnership with Shoalhaven City Council, this project is specifically focused on addressing the challenges of strategic planning in relation to sustainable marine tourism. The aim of this research project is: To develop a methodology which classifies communities according to a range of characteristics which will constrain or enhance sustainability objectives, such as population size, visitation levels and infrastructure availability. To assess the vulnerability of destinations to pressures which will impact the sustainability of these communities, and their associated tourism growth. This system of classification will be trialled in the Shoalhaven City Council (SCC) area, and will ultimately assist SCC to tailor tourism planning, marketing and service provision to meet the needs of different ‘types’ of coastal communities.